September 2019


  • Resumption of correspondence with partners in order to revise the project implementation strategies for the second year.
  • Informing the entire school community about the analysis of questionnaires applied in June to a representative sample of pupils, teachers, and parents in order to assess the impact and activities carried out between September 2018 – June 2019; brief presentation of the activities and results obtained.
  • Designing an Erasmus + panel with photographs illustrating the relevant aspects of the activities carried out in the first year of the project and updating the information panels of the 4 Euroclassrooms.
  • Updating the implementation plan for the 2019-2020 school year, the activities, the supervisors, and the deadlines.
  • Developing the curriculum and syllabus of the elective course “Children and the Sea” for third-grade students, at the proposal of Professor Nicoleta Legian.
  • Supporting pupils and teachers who will participate in the LTT activities in Portugal (October 1-4) for the production of multimedia materials on Black Sea sports and their representatives, particularly about Maritime transport and its role in the economic development of Romania.
  • Reorganizing the twinspace dedicated to the project on the eTwinning platform and co-opting new partners for the activities included in the 2019-2020 action plan.
  • Organizing outdoor activities on the coast (educational games or greening actions) titled Children and the Sea.
  • Dissemination of activities and results obtained in the first year of the project in partnership with the “I.N. Roman” Culture House in Medgidia, on the occasion of the cultural event European Heritage days.
  • The audience present in the hall, consisting of representatives of educational and cultural institutions, associations, local authorities, writers, reading lovers, was informed about the relevant activities and final products made within the project: an audio mini-dictionary, a mini-atlas, and a drawing book, all titled The World Within, referring to the marine biodiversity, Sea Poems e-books, the Sea in stories and legends, themed educational games, a teaching methodological guide. A group of pupils involved in literary and artistic creation activities delighted the audience with thematic poetic and musical moments and distributed leaflets with a brief description of the project and brochures with their literary creations. The activity was publicized by the regional television station ALPHA MEDIA. ( or
  • Working sessions with the parents of the pupils selected to participate in LTT activities in Portugal and the preparation of the mobility dossier, according to the ISJ Constanţa procedure.
  • Updating both the project’s site with information of public interest and the portfolio with the documents related to the second year of implementation.
  • Recording the modalities for the implementation of the activities of September in monitoring reports and minutes.


  • The project implementation plan for the school year 2019-2020;
  • The optional course program “Children and the sea”;
  • Photo panel;
  • Database;
  • Folder of electronic correspondence with partners;
  • Portfolios, multimedia material;
  • Online spaces dedicated to the project;
  • Records, reports, minutes;
  • Press release;
  • Project’s portfolio.


  • Informing the entire community of the project’s content;
  • Inclusion of the project’s theme in the curriculum;
  • Identifying positive behaviors that favor the protection of the marine environment;
  • Students’ knowledge of the specificity of the Black Sea coastline and the opportunities it offers to tourists;
  • Involvement of parents both through direct participation and by supporting children in carrying out activities;
  • Informing the general public about the problems regarding the marine environment and coastal areas and about the activities carried out and the results achieved, through dissemination activities and by constantly updating the online spaces dedicated to the project.

Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!