September 2018


  • Creating the Erasmus + team and establishing the meeting program;
  • Registration on eTwinning of all team members;
  • Creating a School for Education website with accounts for all families and students between the ages of 8 and 12 to facilitate communication;
  • Information at the first meeting of the teachers’ council, the school council, the families and the representatives of the classes regarding the approval of the project and the content of the application form;
  • Exposure of two Erasmus + panels on the entrance hall to disseminate information about activities;
  • Changing email addresses to promote communication between school students and partners;
  • Revising the ICT program to obtain working tools that will help to facilitate the running of activities;
  • Enrichment of the program with reference to Global Works (Catalan, Mathematics and Science) with topics related to Geography, Environmental Education and marine flora and fauna;
  • Distributing the content of the project and establishing the responsibilities of all the members of the project teams;
  • Visualization of the implementation plan for the 2018-2019 school year, for better information on the activities, responsibilities, deadlines proposed;
  • Distribution of tasks, so that each member be informed concerning the management of the project activity;
  • Introducing the theme of the project in the school syllabus in different subjects such as Global Works, English, Spanish, Arts and Crafts, ICT;
  • Making multimedia materials about Spain, Catalonia and all the activities carried out by the school;
  • Display the project map on an input panel;
  • Creating a dissemination team to promote the project through Facebook, Instagram, school blog and local press.


  • Project team and meeting schedule;
  • Action plan for the 2018-2019 school year;
  • Database;
  • Correspondence file with all the partners;
  • Illustrative portfolios, multimedia materials and the involvement of students from 8 to 12 years for their achievement;
  • Twinspace on the eTwinning platform;
  • Map project.


  • Informing the whole community about the content of the project;
  • Including the project’s theme in the school’s annual program;
  • Designation of the modalities for carrying out the activities at institutional and local level;
  • Recording useful information about partner countries / schools and about ourselves.