Located in MEDGIDIA, CONSTANTA District – ROMANIA, a public educational institution for primary and secondary education, is one of the renown teaching facilities, appreciated by students, parents and local community for ensuring equality of opportunities in educating all students, having outstanding results in our teaching activities and all necessary assets for quality education with a permanent concern for European standards. The staff consists of 55 teachers and 786 students, aged 6 to 15 years. At interdisciplinary level, there are as fields of study: Language and Communication, Maths and Science, Man and Society, Arts, Sports, Technology, Counselling.
In a harmonic combination of traditional teaching and the alternate modern “Step By Step” system, we have a wide teaching variety in order to shape up a well balanced personality, able to live in a environmentally friendly world. For our school, ecological education has always represented an important priority. Since 2000 we’ve participated in ECO SCHOOL Program and we were rewarded six times with the International Prize THE GREEN FLAG.
The school is like a paradise of eternal childhood to which teachers dedicate their entire life, by fulfilling their calling and duty to instruct and educate, permanently searching the path to the right words and ways, to patience, understanding, closeness and respect.
ISOLA delle Femmine (Palermo) ITALY

Is a school which is situated in a protected marine area 20 km far from Palermo, capital of Sicily.
The 700 students are divided into 3 neighboring buildings. There are 78 teachers, united and preoccupied of the cultural didactic area and in the exchange of good practices, cooperative learning, cultural exchanges and promoting interdisciplinary knowledge.
The school has a strong science department and excellent science laboratory where the students go for the normal curricula. The students collaborate with various associations in order to monitor the island flora and fauna and publish theses on scientific subjects related to biology and geology. Along the years were implemented more educational ecological project, one of them being a Comenius Project “Small Steps towards a Healthy World”. Sailing competitions are organized each year to raise awareness of the impact of human activity on the marine ecosystem so that the sea becomes a source of health and work, sustainably exploited.


Is a pre-school and primary school located in IGUALADA, a small town in CATALUNYA – SPAIN.
The school has 204 students aged 3 to 12, including children of the migrants from various Spanish regions or other countries, so the main educational goal is to create an inclusive learning environment.
A local sports association proved useful as it includes all local children in various activities in order to teach them how to accept and respect each other in spite of their different social and cultural backgrounds.
The school has a weekly tutoring programme called “Listen”, where students are counselled on various topics. Relationship with the parents is of great importance, as they are invited to participate, along their children, in festivities, activities and teachers’ meetings.
The teaching staff is anxious to participate in European projects, as they are considered opportunities for personal development via exchange of goods practices with their peers from other countries.
Is a school from BAIÃO, PORTUGAL socially and economically underprivileged. Its 1200 students aged 3 to 18 are dynamic, active and eager to participate in European projects.
School’s major goal is to implement a set of strategies to promote social inclusion, so as to provide equal opportunities to all children. Thus was applied an innovative and dynamic method in order to understand and promote European values by all community members.
Awareness of sustainable development via inclusion is a key factor of all school subjects. The school was awarded a BLUE FLAG, following their ecological activities. In recent years, the school participated in the Comenius, Grundtvig and Leonardo projects as part of an European plan for development and innovation, allowing teachers and students to enlarge the cultural, linguistic and scientific knowledge, increasing awareness of the European space.