- ARTCRAFT included practical activities with 1st to 6th graders who made themed objects and scaled models, all signed up for a school contest. A teachers’ jury evaluated 146 items and awarded 34 prizes to 1st to 3rd graders, respectively 5th and 6th graders, according to the criteria set in the partnership.
- Development of themed educational classes and students’ portfolios and exhibitions.
- Advertising and dissemination of the project outcomes following its first implementation year during the semester meeting of the local teachers, which took place in our school on November 22, 2019, with the participation of all affiliated members.
- The award ceremony for the students participating in the Art Craft contest, broadcast on the local TV station Media TV.
- Activities to disseminate the project via reports presented during the school teachers’ meetings and school board meetings, press releases uploaded to the forum of Constanța County School Inspectorate, articles in the local press, and TV news.
- Additions to the project folder and updating its online space.
– Digital materials, diplomas, panels made by students, awards, photos, reports, press releases, project map.
- Increasing knowledge on the marine ecosystem;
- Forming and developing practical skills in making themed objects and scaled models.
- Engraining and good use of students’ skills.
- Forming work organizing and planning skills leading to quality outputs;
- Exchange of good practices on a local and international level;
- Dissemination of outcomes and project promotion in media and other local schools.
Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!