- Organising activities to debate about the importance of water in our life;
- Find information in groups about how is important to keep water with quality;
- Start to preparation a document to share with partners but due to COVID 19 we stopped the school activities and it wasn’t finished;
- At home, watching some documents about the poles melt, the plastic in oceans and the waste of water in normal life;
- Involve parents to sum up the materials;
- Publication of activities produced on Facebook and Instagram;
- Dissemination of activities.
- Videos about water and life;
- Photos to concern about the importance of clean oceans;
- Show of paintings and photos;
- Dissemination through Facebook, Instagram and web page.
- To concern students about how water is important for our daily life;
- To enlarge the skills to search and classify information with a critic sense;
- To enhance student’s creativity;
- To promote the cultural activities after school;
- Encourage the learning of foreign languages;
- Development of innovative ITC.