June – July – August 2020


  • Organising an online meeting with partners to evaluate the stage of achieving the project objectives and to establish the activities to be carried out during the extension period of the project as a result of COVID 19;
  • Presented of the renewed and adapted design scheme with the acitivities to be carried out during the extension period of the project;
  • Sharing of the activities completed during the distance learning period;
  • Remodelling of activities for the following months organisation of September activities to be confirmed at a forthcoming meeting;
  • Evaluation of the stage of achieving the project objectives and of the educational didactic repercussions on the pupils of distance learning with reference to the activities for the Erasmus project;
  • Risk assessment analyse and initial organisation of mobility in October;
  • Communication with partners via WhatsApp and email;
  • Update of eTwinning platform with relevant information about project.


  • Some multimedia products completed by the students during the distance teaching period;
  • A scheme of the plan for LTT activities (October 2020);
  • Rescheduled of project activities in according with partners;
  • Collection of opinions from teachers and parents;
  • New update project plan.


  • Stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas;
  • Involve parents and teachers in the activities unrolled, in planning/sharing of the new organizational panels;
  • Stimulate the need for a clean marine environment respected by man, especially in this historical moment;
  • Development of language and digital skills.

Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!


June-July-August, 2020-Italy