January 2020

Activities carried out:

  • Organizing activities to collect pictures and materials about the sea;
  • Explanation about different techniques to make beautiful drawings;
  • Watch some films about sea art creations and touch sea materials;
  • Show and practice different techniques to create a sea art product;
  • Involve parents to find sea books to see different illustration to help them create themselves;
  • Organizing an exhibition of beautiful sea creations;
  • Legends theater made by an actress to all students to inspire drawings;
  • Visit Empuries, one of the most famous ports during the Greek civilization in our country;
  • Publication of activities produced on Facebook and Instagram;
  • Dissemination of activities carried out.


  • Collection of pictures and materials about the sea;
  • Different art productions made by different techniques;
  • Collection of films about our sea;
  • Exhibition of drawings about the sea;
  • Collection of sea books illustrated;
  • Legends explained in the theater;
  • Pictures collection from Empuries and work did there;
  • Dissemination through Facebook, Instagram, and Webpage.

Objectives achieved:

  • To involve families to collect sea books;
  • To know some art techniques;
  • To make an imaginative and beautiful drawing using different techniques;
  • To understand the theater based on legends;
  • Approach students to the History of our country through seaports;;
  • Encourage the learning of foreign languages;
  • Development of innovative ITC.
