- Story and Legends of the Sea Contest: aimed at promoting literacy, creativity, and advocacy for the causes of the sea, this contest was disseminated in the school so that there was a greater number of participants.
- The English teachers evaluated the stories and the best ones were correctly translated into English;
- We shared our stories with our partners, essentially our coordinator in Medgidia to include our stories in a global e-book;
- Evaluation of the implementation and achievement of outputs, as well as the involvement of teachers and students in the project activities for the selection of participants in the LTT activities in Italy;
- Students made some illustrations about their story or legend;
- Scriptwriting for the musical to be performed in Italy with the help of teachers and the beginning of rehearsals.
- The initial selection of the students to LTT activity in Italy.
- Stories and Legends about the sea in Portuguese and English languages;
- The 5 best works of our students awarded in the contest of literary creation have been sent to our coordinator to be inserted in a brochure that will be published on the web;
- Drawings illustrating the stories which were written by some students;
- Publication of two stories created for the competition in the school newspaper.
- Improving the skills about literacy, creativity, and English language;
- Direct and indirect involvement of parents end community in activities;
- Promotion of responsibility sense regarding the Sea problems;
- Promotion of healthy competition.
- Inclusion of the two stories in the school newspaper to promote the project results.
Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!