- A Face book page was created and the project was enrolled on the eTwinning platform;
- A twin space was organized to promote the project to which they were invited to become members, pupils, parents and teachers from partner schools, facilitating access to information on the activities to be carried out;
- It was proposed to exchange email addresses between all partners in order to facilitate communication;
- A project team consisting of 18 teachers, able to promote methods of cooperative learning and initiative and 20 from the best students, interested in this project’s topic, was organized and confirmed;
- The implementation plan was analyzed with all the teachers in the school;
- Many ways of promoting the project within the Isola delle Femmine community have been used;
- Integrate the activities and objectives of the project into the annual programs valid for the period 2018-2020;
- Introducing the theme of the project in school curriculum in order to promote the interest in the marine environment, to increase ITC and English language competence skill;
- Integration of the project into the annual plan of the Institute for the Sea and the projects organized with external associations – WWF – LIPU;
- Promoting the project through a press conference and articles on national newspapers
- Forming a stable team able to get involved in the proposed activities during the 2 years;
- Involvement of a large number of students in the development of ITC materials, PPT presentations in order to promote the project;
- Dissemination of the project on different information channels, on twinspace space on the eTwinning platform;
- Course guides for various integrated lessons.
- Inclusion of the project within the annual curriculum;
- Informing the community about the activities over 2 years, until 2020;
- Dissemination of the ways to carry out the project.
Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!