October 2018


  • Establishment of “Euro-classes” with information about the partner countries / schools in the project;
  • Online communication between students and teachers from partner schools and creation of a database with email addresses and a mail folder;
  • Participation of students in a workshop supported by a local professional designer to draw a logo of the project;
  • Gathering information about the marine ecosystem to participate in the video conference “Our sea in everyday life”;
  • Workshop on the impact of plastics in our sea;
  • Preparation of the materials needed to participate in the meeting within the transnational project hosted by Romania;
  • Participation in the celebration of the International Day of the Black Sea organized by the partner school in Romania;
  • Creating a Sea Art workshop and an exhibition of photographs, objects, collages
  • Making a painting about the sea inspired by Miró’s techniques;
  • Organizing workshops to allow students to learn more about the traditions of partner countries;
  • Mention of all the activities on the entrance panel, on social media and on the school website;
  • Organizing meetings within the school council to promote the activities of the project and to decide the selection criteria for the students participating in the transnational activities.


  • Erasmus corner, posters, crafts made by students, logo design, powerpoint presentations, digital materials, SEART exhibition (The World Within and Sea Miró), photos, reports, press articles, preparing materials to learn more about the flora and fauna. Mediterranean fauna and traditions from Italy, Romania and Portugal.


  • Diversification of theoretical knowledge in the field of ecological education;
  • Promoting teamwork, ICT and communication skills in English;
  • Improvement of skills and knowledge related to the marine environment;
  • To train as many students and teachers as possible in the project activities;
  • Promote the results of the project in mass media.
