Initial questionnaire – objective knowledge – project expectations (made by Italian team):
Questionnaire – the transnational meeting (made by Romania)
Spain – Parents Questionnaire – results
Spain – questionnaire for teachers – results
Spain – Students Questionnaire – Results
The Romanian student, Alexandru Florin Neagu, 13 years old, participated in a National literary creation contest entitled My Erasmus Story. Access the link below to read his story, which won the second prize!
Alexandru Florin Neagu – Scoala Gimnaziala ”Lucian Grigorescu” Medgidia – Romania
At the end of the second year of the project, an evaluation questionnaire was applied to a representative number of students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders from the communities of the 4 partner schools:
The results can be found here:
The project was appreciated at European level by the EU4OCEAN Coalition, being included in a manual of good practices:
Two members of the Romanian project team participated in a regional video contest, entitled “2 minutes of Erasmus+”. The video presented in the contest, which won the first prize, can be viewed here:
In order to test the knowledge regarding the Sea and the biodiversity of the marine environment, accumulated as a result of the implementation of the project, the students from partner schools completed the questionnaire posted below:
To view the results of this questionary click on the link:
The quality of the activities carried out by the Romanian school and of the realized products was appreciated with eTwinning Quality Label:
The extension of the project by one year as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic has already produced sustainability effects, through the coordinating school of the MY BEAUTIFUL SEA project (, which led to its inclusion in the Network of European Blue Schools and obtaining the European BLUE SCHOOL Certificate

At the end of the project, impressions of the participants from all the partner schools were collected, which were included in an illustrative ebook:
The quality of the activities carried out by the Italian school and of the realized products was appreciated with eTwinning Quality Label:
The project was also evaluated through an acrostic composed by a teacher of the coordinating school: