- Gathering information on European Marine Policies and selecting the most relevant ones in order to realize a PowerPoint material;
- Closer to our sea– participation at the symposium online;
- Training for the LTT hosted by the school from Medgidia, Romania in May 2019;
- Monitoring, evaluation, and dissemination of activities carried out between January and April 2019. Meeting with local officials, students’ parents, and school staff.
- PPT materials, a summary of the activities realized through photos and reports.
- Involvement of students in research activities that contribute to the formation of ecological and civic behavior;
- Knowledge of the legislation and of the actions necessary to safeguard the marine environment;
- Enhancement of linguistic skills, socialization, and students’ motivation, ambition, self-confidence, and open-mindedness;
- Support the development of innovative IT-based content, pedagogical practice for lifelong learning.
Click on the link below to see the illustrative report!