- Our sea in daily life – research on the marine eco-system and its presentation in a videoconference.
- SEART – an exhibition of themed objects, collages…
- exchange of teaching scenarios between partners – planning and implementing a series of educational lessons for students and parents.
- The World Within – the creation of a mini-dictionary with information on the marine flora and fauna.
- Sea Poems – a contest of literary creations
- SEART – the creation of winter holiday decorations from natural marine materials
- Countries, cities, seas – educational games
- Together for the Sea! – Creation of slogans and information campaign on the importance of a healthy marine environment. Poster gallery on marine environment protection.
- Sea travelers – Research on the main ports and tourist destinations in order to be presented during a seminar – LTT in Spain.
- Closer to our Sea – debate on European marine protection policies – (online symposium)
- The Sea – past, present, future – research and exchange of information during a seminar organized in LTT – Romania.
- Monitoring, dissemination, and evaluation activities.
- The children and the Sea – outdoor activities (on the beach)
- On the Sea waves – research and presentation of significant information on maritime transportation for the economic development of coastal countries, water sports, and famous representatives, during the seminar organized in Portugal.
- Art craft – Theme contest and exhibition.
- The Sea in stories and legends – literary contest.
- My beautiful Sea – Exhibition of drawings and mural painting.
- The Sea as inspiration in art – Research and exchange of information.
- Water – Essence of Life – legends, myths, science
- Taste of the SEA – Research and publication of seafood recipes.
- Learning songs on the Sea and the project Anthem composed by the Italian partner school.
- Writing the play Once upon a time…the Sea – with the participation of all partners and its performance during the final meeting in Italy.
- Sealife preservation – research on the marine ecosystem protection and its presentation during the seminar organized in Italy.
- Monitoring, dissemination, and evaluation activities.